Contact us or write customer reviews using this form:
Enter the characters in the image above, without spaces:
Mailing Address:
2516 N. Kristen St.
Mesa, AZ 85213
Phone: (480) 964-1905
Monitoring Center: (602) 433-1271
Fax:(480) 964-9137
Customer Reviews:
To send a review, select "Customer Reviews" as the department. Customer reviews will be added to
unless otherwise stated in the message. Reviews will be added
within one month. Your reviews both help us to better serve our
customers' needs, and help others choose the same level of service
and security that you have come to expect from us.
Information Updates:
To update your alarm call list, telephone number and/or password, please
select the "Billing" department. Please include your name, the
company name (if applicable), alarm location address, and current password.
This information helps us to prevent unauthorized changes to your account
User Code Updates:
To request a user code change, select the "Service" department.
Please include your name, the company name (if applicable), alarm location
address, current password and the system's master code. If you are
the only user, then your code should be the master code. Please include
in the message field all directions for user code changes and the user codes
and names to be associated.
Paperless Invoices:
If you would like your invoices to be sent via e-mail, please select
"Billing" as the department. Fill in the "E-Mail" field
with the e-mail address you would like your invoices sent to. In the
"Message" field, state that you would like to receive invoices via
e-mail. To prevent unauthorized changes to your account, please also
include in the "Message" field your current password.